
Cybertro (Cybertronic Engineering) offers consulting in wireless communications, scientific and embedded software, medical product development, and related hardware challenges. Cybertro is headed by Jim Brennan (The Engineer) who is experienced in embedded systems, data communications, medical ultrasound imaging, medical implants, digital and analog circuit design, as well as other related scientific and industrial problems.

The Engineer has worked at a number of startups where his multifaceted skill set has facilitated the smooth transition across design, hardware, software, firmware, and other development boundaries including compliance with FDA Design Control Guidance. Many of the challenges faced by The Engineer began with an "empty slate" situation, where those involved were working toward initial proof of concept followed by product development.

The Engineer has been around for awhile, with many years of experience, and is currently extending an invitation to entrepreneurs, medical and scientific startups, or those needing engineering and scientific expertise, to initiate contact, so that your problems may be discussed and addressed.

jim1d ========> jim1f

"The Engineer is here to help"